Universal Studios faced a dilemma with its family-friendly film “Trolls World Tour.” Movie theaters had closed due to the coronavirus pandemic’s collective lockdown.
So the studio could either shelve the film indefinitely or do what was previously unthinkable in Hollywood – release it directly to homes first for on-demand streaming, something theaters had been fighting for decades.
Click here to read the story at usatoday.com.
Discussion Questions:
- What was untraditional about the Universal Studios’ release of the “Trolls World Tour” film?
- Why do you think the studio chose a nontraditional release? What other options do you think they had?
- What are industry trends?
- Why is it important for sports and entertainment marketing professionals to monitor and track industry trends?
- Based on information from this story, do you think the release strategy for “Trolls World Tour” will become a trend that other entertainment industry executives will follow in the future? Why or why not?