Samsung is marketing its new range of flip phones to TikTok – by demonstrating its value as a camera, tripod and social tool.
Click here to read the story at
Discussion Questions:
- What is a product life cycle?
- How would you describe the product life cycle as it relates to Samsung’s flip phones?
- What is social media marketing?
- Why do brands engage in social media marketing activities?
- Do all social media platforms reach the same audience?
- Who do you think Samsung might be targeting by marketing on TikTok?
- Why do you think they might be using TikTok as a platform to reach that audience?
- What information are they hoping to communicate to consumers with this campaign?
- Why might that be important to help it sell more phones?
- This news story discusses Samsung’s “creative evolution.” What does that mean?
- Based on information from the story, describe Samsung’s creative evolution.
- If you were a marketer at Samsung, what would you do to promote the new flip phone? Be prepared to discuss your answers in class.