The “it” bag among a subset of shoppers-in-the-know is adorned with tacky logos, contains a garish combination of two primary colors, and has a kind of glitchy zipper. Despite all this, it is sometimes unavailable due to high demand. You can often find it marked up by 300 percent on third-party marketplace sites.
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Discussion Questions:
- What is entrpreneurship?
- What do you think might be one key to a successful startup business?
- How might this news story represent an example of entrepreneurship?
- What are industry trends?
- What is one example of an industry trend you can identify from this news story?
- Why is it important for businesses to monitor and evaluate industry trends?
- If you were an aspiring business owner, how might this story represent an example of a business opportunity?
- What is seasonal marketing?
- Why is back-to-school season important for some brands (like the ones mentioned in this story)?