Competitive Edge - Sports & Entertainment Marketing News

New Spartanburg Coastal Plain League baseball team gets a food-themed name

Baseball fans, get ready to cheer on the Spartanburgers.

No, not the Spartanburg Spartanburgers. Just the one name: The Spartanburgers.

Click here to read the story at

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is branding?
  2. What is brand loyalty?
  3. What is fan engagement?
  4. What is publicity?
  5. How might hosting a “name the team” type of promotion help a new franchise like the Spartanburgers to build brand loyalty? Why is that important?
  6. How might hosting a “name the team” type of promotion help a new franchise like the Spartanburgers boost levels of fan engagement? Why is that important?
  7. How might hosting a “name the team” type of promotion help a new franchise like the Spartanburgers generate publicity? Why is that important?
  8. What is licensing?
  9. How might the branding process help a sports team to sell more licensed merchandise?
  10. What are industry trends?
  11. Why do you think food branding is such a popular industry trend?
  12. What is sports business leadership?
  13. Why might leadership and a marketing plan be important to the success of the new franchise? Be prepared to discuss your answers.
Chris Lindauer
After working for nearly a decade in professional sports, Chris Lindauer, formed Sports Career Consulting to provide unique sports business education opportunities in and out of the classroom. In the eighteen years (and counting) that followed, Chris has inspired thousands of students to pursue their passions and explore the career of their dreams. He currently lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife, two teenage daughters and their dog.


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