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Average NHL team’s value skyrockets in 2023, according to Sportico report

There’s never been a bad time to own an NHL franchise, but it’s looking like a particularly profitable endeavor lately.

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Discussion Questions:

  1. What factors might influence the overall value of a professional sports franchise?
  2. According to this story, how much did the average value of an NHL franchise increase in the last year?
  3. What is revenue?
  4. Why is revenue important to the National Hockey League?
  5. Why is it important to each NHL franchise?
  6. What is an expense?
  7. What are some expenses that NHL teams incur each year?
  8. What do you think the biggest expense is to an NHL team?
  9. Do you think all NHL teams are profitable each year?
  10. Which team saw the biggest increase last year, according to this report?
  11. Which team saw the smallest increase last year, according to this report? Why do you think they saw the smallest increase compared to other NHL teams?
  12. Why do you think the average value of NHL teams increased so significantly in the last year?
  13. Do you think franchise values will continue to rise? Why or why not?
Chris Lindauer
After working for nearly a decade in professional sports, Chris Lindauer, formed Sports Career Consulting to provide unique sports business education opportunities in and out of the classroom. In the eighteen years (and counting) that followed, Chris has inspired thousands of students to pursue their passions and explore the career of their dreams. He currently lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife, two teenage daughters and their dog.


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