Who knew eating your mascot on live TV could help drive sales. That’s precisely the gamble the marketing team behind Pop-Tarts took during a college football bowl game Thursday.
Click here to read the story at fastcompany.com.
Discussion Questions:
- What is sponsorship?
- Why do brands sponsor sports and entertainment events?
- Why would a brand want to sponsor a college bowl game?
- What might that tell you about the demographic that the sponsor is hoping to reach?
- What is sponsorship activation?
- Based on what you learned in this news story, describe the Pop-Tarts activation for this bowl game.
- Who do you think Pop-Tarts is hoping to reach by sponsoring the Pop-Tarts Bowl?
- According to this story, what was the name of this bowl game last year?
- Why do you think it was changed?
- Why do you think they chose to eat the mascot on live TV?
- According to this story, how much did the game generate in media exposure for Pop-Tarts?
- Why is that important?
- This story suggests that the edible mascot also became a meme on social media. How might the brand benefit from that?